Wednesday, 7 September 2011

The phenomenon of globalisation

Globalisation has become a very fashionable word. We hear it on the news, we read about it in the newspapers. But what exactly is the globalisation? Can we define it in a singular, coherent way? And finally, which spheere of life does it actually concern?

In terms of economy the globalisation,  understood as a highly developed trade network, is an udeniable fact. We should only look at the labels of our clother, bags or furniture. They are most likely being produced all over the world and they are mostly available in our local stores.

Lets try to check whether the globalisation also regards our societies. The answer is obviously yes. Just go through the street and look arround you. Do you see people of only your race, speaking only your language?  Nowadays societies are multicultural and multiracial. Due to the transport developement we can, easier than ever, change our place of living and moove to virtually each country on Earth.

How about politics, is the globalisation also a political phenomenon? Whatever country you come from (maybe except the North Korea), you can be sure that it beloneges to some treaty or organisation. Today the political cooperation between states in, areas like economy or culture, is a common and effective way of developement.

In terms of technology, I would say that it is developement of such sectrors like telecommunication, transport or IT, that actually run this whole globalisation. Lets concider once more the society topic. Due to the well developed transport people can moove arround the world easily. We are more or less familiar with different cultures, cause we can see and learn about them in media. Developemnt of modern technologies helped in creation of the multi-national corporations, that produce and sell their prodcts on every 5 continents.

I rekon that the modern technology developement it's the key factor on which the global world relies on. Devices like the internet, mobile phones or sattelite TV allowed this phenomenon to exist. The globalised economy, society and politics are mechanisms, which have beed engeenered with the tools, that todays science created.

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