Saturday, 10 September 2011

Crisis in Poland

In 2009, Poland was one of the very few countries, that has not been affected by the recession. Polish indexes and statistics in the economic area improved; even though, all its neighbours were on decline. Does it mean that the economic turbulence did not reach Poland?

The answer is certainly no. Mainly due to the decrease in foreign investments and increasing difficullties in getting bank credit, the GDP growth in Poland slowed down. Also th fact that confidence level dropped, negatively affected the economy. The EU coutries, Germany in specific, are major partners for Polish enterpices. Therefore, the export fell and the unemployment level (still lower than the average EU's) slightly increased.

Poland owes the relatively comfortable situation in its economy to the major native investments (boosted by  vast EU founding), increasing consumption and stable export. However, if the situation on foreign markets will keep deteriorating, there will be no way for Poland to avoid negative effects.

Political decisions also allowed Poland to resist the crisis. During its strongest wave, Polish government seemed to act rather reasonably. The public spendings were slightly cut, when others seeked sollution in stimulation policy.

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