Saturday, 10 September 2011

Globalization: Who benefits/Who loses?

Globalization is a great opportunity for countries to improve in many areas. It might potentially offer developing countries new opportunities for accelerating economic growth and internal development. But is the globalization profit divided equally, and does this phenomenon actually have a positive impact on everyone?

The west, in genereal, has greatly benefited from the globalization. The production was moved to cheaper countries, companies started to make more profit, people started to make more money and we are all happy. However, some people in the west lost their job due to that reason. Many miners, for example, were made redundant, because it is cheaper to import coal from China, than to exploit it in "expensive" UK or Germany, where labour cost are high. A lot of companies and manufactures had to quit, because they simply couldn't compeete with big corporations, that significantly lowered the proces.

The developing countries also suffered from the globalization. The foreign industry highly affected their eco-system. People, who frecquently work two times longer than in Europe,  have very low sallaries. In addition, the workers cannot even demand better conditions, because they are under the constant threat of loosing job. After all, the corporations can move whereever they want.  So we can say, that corporations have grown in power so much, that they can virtually blackmail the entire governments. "You want to rise the minial wage in India? Ok, so we are moving to Bangladesh." - for expample.

Globalization is not only about economy. There are many dimensions of it. From cultural point of view I rekon, that we have all benefited to certain degree. Thanks to the comunication and transport developement it is easier to travel and learn about diffrent civilisations. The social portals like facebook or tweatter allow us to stay in touch with people from all arround the world. The fact that todays world is "smaller" than 100 years ago, which makes our lifes much simpler is, to some extent, a result of globalization too.

As everything, the globalization has its plusses and minisses. Unfortunately, the wealth it brought is not distributed equally. it's the ritcher who gained most of that phenomenon, whereas the poor actually lost.